Thursday, December 6, 2012


How exactly does a person find their talent? I've read so many articles about people in fashion, music, acting, and it they talk about it as if were either an accident or some sort of epiphany. That's my problem. I know I'm capable of doing anything I want with my life, but were do I start? I like art and the body and the science that comes with it. Should I have found my talents when I was younger? You hear about all of these 12, 13, 14 year olds becoming huge actors, fashion designers, highly respected people in a society of adults. Do I start on Twitter? On here? In a world of hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of everything, everyone, everywhere, where is a person to start? How do you make your voice heard and your talents revealed when 7 billion other people are also fighting to be heard, recognized and appreciated. Just like you. No, I don't feel under appreciated, just a little unaccomplished. What do I have to do to be considered successful to others, and more importantly, to yourself? Sure, I can do some funky nail design that took so much creativity and time, but a couple compliments is all that can really get you. It's not like some person crucial to my success is going to see a picture of this and say "Hey, you've got something". Every other person I know is fighting feel like they're accomplishing something in their lives, and we all seem to be to busy doing this to realize each others efforts. We're all walking the same path, with different stepping stones. Even now, here I am, naive enough to think someone is reading this and maybe even appreciating it. No, that's not exactly how it works. One main aspect similar within successful people is popularity or their social accomplishments. With no one to read, hear, see, and comment on your work, there's really nothing to gain but personal achievement.

All of this is coming out because of what I'm seeing around me. Students applying for university, friends supporting their friends' larger than life dreams, others desperate, but not so clear in making their talents known. Senior year is when everyone shows off and puts their skills on display. Where do I fit? In each and every category. I dream of being in another country. Suddenly becoming extremely good at something. Having a hobby or talent that I'm known for and am passionate about. Going to university and learning about everything. Then there's the polar opposite, when I think I should just stay in this town and work at McDonalds. I guess dreaming is only natural. If you don't dream about all you could do and can do and settle for a mediocre goal, life could get dull and depressing quick. So, I'll continue to worry about my potential because one day, all of that worry will catch up and force me to do something extraordinary. Well, my version of extraordinary - not like painting some cathedral ceiling or making the world's biggest cookie.

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