Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's That Time of the Year

Christmas is coming up quick.
I'm still the baby of the family, so I don't think they expect me to do much, which is a problem for me. I honestly would love to do something and be able to contribute, but I would need some help with ideas, just like most people. You see, in my family, we draw names. This year, we buy the stocking stuffers for that chosen person while the parents get the couple big gifts.

I know, it's not supposed to be the meaning of Christmas, but we've been raised to put importance on getting gifts on Christ's birthday, so what can you do. It's ridiculous, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like gifts. Trust me, I'm trying my best to be less of a consumer and more of a... Gotye.

Anyhoo, my mom told me she's already bought some gifts for the name I drew and I could pay her back for it. That's the problem: why am I even entered in the draw if I don't have any purpose? I'm not trying to sound hard-done-by or anything, but it is frustrating being the baby. According to my family, I can't order my own food, do dishes, leave my parents for more than a couple days, and I hide things under my bed and in my closet, like I did when I was 7.

I can redeem myself by getting creative with my friends' gifts, but then my family might get offended by the amount of effort put into their gifts and the lack of effort into my own family's gifts.

Well, I guess I should be happy that this is the only "stress" in my life at the moment. I get to sit in the background while the rumours swirl about slutty girls, bad breakups and relationship problems. Highschool is so weird.
Being a teenager is weird.
Life is weird.

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