Monday, October 29, 2012

A Little Bit About Jane

I'm not the most interesting person, but I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself.
-I am the youngest born into a family of 8 in a part of Canada that is not Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal.
-I've been in French immersion since kindergarden, but I still have to work on my grammar in this last year of highschool.
-I used to live in town and now I live out of town with a variety of farm animals (including 3 labrador retrievers), but I wouldn't call myself a farm girl.
- I'm not some crazy hipster, but I do try and listen to different music rather that top 40's.
- My mother is the best cook, but nearly every recipe includes plenty of butter or whipping cream (it's a miracle we're not obese)
- My interests include a little bit of photography, nail art, the occasional clothing sketch and I don't mind a creative essay or two.
- I've done some traveling: Paris, Rome, Florence, Cuba, an Alaskan cruise and the typical L.A. trip.
- I like to read when I have a lot of free time, but most of the books I've read aren't very impressive, expect maybe Jane Eyre.
- I'm not a very tidy or organized person and I'm a pretty good procrastinator.
- I'm pretty terrible at sports, but I have been in cross country (which I'm pretty terrible at), although I do get pretty into floor hockey in gym class.
- I'm an aunt to one nephew, soon to another nephew/niece.
- I have weird phases when I get so obsessed with an actor/musician/movie/book. My obsession with Michael Fassbender and Andrew Garfield have fizzled, but when the Spiderman movie comes out on DVD, watch out.

Now that I might have disappointed you in how dull I might be, I can finish off this post.
I hope anyone who's reading this can relate to some of the things that shape me. Have a peachy day!

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